Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Obama's Cairo Speech.

Hopes are high as U.S. President Barak Obama heads to the Middle East. He will be delivering a well awaited speech in Cairo, Egypt, addressing the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. Many thought he would be humming the same ole tune, one that went, we are pro-Israeli. I'm not sure that this is going to be the case.

Obama has recently asked the Israeli government to stop construction on settlements in the West Bank and Israel was not pleased with this request. They believe they are only developing in a natural manner. They are not doing anything out of the ordinary. The developing is not really what I'm interested in here. I'm more interested in the change in U.S. diplomacy, it seems to me that Obama has other ideas. He is not following the old play book in which the U.S. has followed for so many years. This may become interesting.

Israel seems displeased. The Palestinians in the region are hopeful, but what is up the administration's sleeve? How is he going to calm violence in the region? Does he promote a two-state solution, or a single-state solution. I guess we will have to wait and see what type of magic he will try to perform. The speech from Cairo will be given on the 4th of June and I'm waiting in anticipation.

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